WhatPulse.wpw from different version?


I’ve had 1.6.2 installed and running for about a week now on my home computer (Vista Home). It’s been running fine with no problems.

This morning I had to restart my computer. When it came up I got an error message that my WhatPulse.wpw file was generated from a different version of What Pulse. It said to remove it and try again.

I can not find a WhatPulse.wpw file anywhere. I’ve uninstalled 1.6.2 and reinstalled it. I’ve uninstalled it and then manually deleted everything left that I can find. I’ve even deleted the .exe and re-downloaded it.

Every time I try to install it gives me this same error upon WP start up and does not run. Any help?

(I really hope this isn’t an issue at work, too, when I get in tomorrow.)

Apologies in advance if this has been covered here. I looked but didn’t see this. The search function didn’t pull up anything that looked the same upon initial reading.

I can’t say why you’re getting the error, but what I can tell you is the .wpw file is located in %APPDATA%\WhatPulse\ (just copy and paste that into the Run dialog).

Good luck!

That found it and made things better once it was deleted. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Also, I’d suggest upgrading to Contains quite a few fixes: http://forums.whatpulse.org/showthread.php?t=4904