WhatPulse Download Cleint

Is it me, or when I download the new updated client is slow? And once if downloaded, opening the fully finished .exe doesn’t work.

This has been happening for quite a while at random times (or maybe there is a pattern but I’ve yet to figure one), the servers just screw up and make the download extremely slow (around 20 min if I recall correctly), then the file doesn’t work. You just have to download it some other time and it’ll work.

Yeah, this is a bummer which I have referred friends to the program and they are already signed up but they can’t download the client. I am not sure if there is anyone who have the installer.


We enabled a new CDN as the primary distribution of the website itself this a few days ago, that might have had an impact on the downloads. The downloads specifically are back to the previous distribution model now, which should solve low download speeds.


Just downloaded (it zipped down, in a jiffy!) & installed the new(Est) v2.6.1 Windblow$ Clint, thank you for the update!! :))
