Portable Pulse

I’m new to the forum here, and I’d like to ask a question. I have a group of coworkers that key in an LAN that is detached from the web, with absolutely no chance of ever getting connected. I think this would be a great motivator for them to get their keying speed up.

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to do this offline? I would imagine I’d have to setup some sort of internal website or FTP to do it, but I’m stumped.

Any Ideas?

In 1.7 you’ll be able to set WhatPulse up of portable devices (such as a USB stick) so you can just set it up and plug it in. Or, if you don’t want to buy a usb device for each computer, just set it up on a computer with internet, copy it onto a USB drive and then onto a computer.

Again, this will only be available in the next version and there’s no time limit as to when that will be.
