New forum errors

Sorz if I’ve missed a thread, but couldn’t find a place. +1 on forums errors, new registration, attached.

Where did you even find the register link? It’s supposed to be hidden, a long with the login links. :wink:

Should be fixed! (and redirecting to the main website)

Registration is displayed when clicking on NEW THREAD, the login screen has got the link at the bottom, Need to register? […]

However, when regging the new account, email confirmation displays this page right away (even on the first go):

[quote]Activate Account

Something went wrong, this link is no longer valid! Please check that you did not visit this page twice.[/quote]

And also, that login screen won’t let me get in (bc probably the new account isn’t verified)

Edit: uh, seems that I’m able to post with it (reply loads fine) so idk.

Also clicking at the bottom on:Mark All Forums Readshows:[quote]Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.[/quote]

Edit: Selecting Log Out from the bottom also brings up:

Both have been fixed.

Just to clarify; any registration/login/logout function in the forums are supposed to be disabled and redirecting to functions of the main website. Validating/registering doesn’t work by design.

Another one, image attached. I realize that Firefox is getting stuck, or actually not redirecting, because of the local configuration - most probably due to NoScript from the looks of it - but, on top of that (the real problem is that) Firefox isn’t asking me to remember the password… It seems that you have disabled / not enabled that function, with the new login(s).

Would you be willing to enable it / put it back?.. And if not, what would be the reason, pls? :slight_smile:

Just clicked on ‘Quick Edit’ and it seems that only ‘Full Edit’ is working, for the forum posts??
Login and password removed from the screenshot, as not to show the length of it. =)[/color]

Firefox is offering to remember the password now (since a while back), thank you.


Best part is, there were no changes there.