Keys not count on virtual machine


I am using a virtual machine with Windows 2000 Professional installed.
It have installed WhatPulse 2.0.1 version because it works fine on this system. After installing this version only network usage was tracked.

I installed unofficial Service Pack 5.1 and unofficial Updates Rollup’s - it gives possibility to use this system without any problems nowadays. After this WhatPulse started counting mouse clicks but it not fixed keyboard key tracking.

It is possible to fix keys count tracking on this version and system?

Virtualization software: VMWare Player 6.0.3
Host OS: Windows 7 Home Premium


You’re not allowed to use Whatpulse on a Virtual Machine, only on the host computer. The host, if it has Whatpulse installed, tracks all the traffic and keys from the Virtual Machine as well. If it doesn’t then that’s a problem.

Keys not count on host system too. (I have Windows 7 HP and XP Professional host systems). Is it possible to fix it in VMWare window with Windows 2000 on this systems?

i have same problem with Vmware

WhatPulse works just fine inside VMs, the Windows and Linux clients are developed on a VM. :wink:

When you’re inside the VM, the input on the host is not recorded because the hypervizor (VMware, Parallels, etc) locks the input.

If it’s not counting inside the VM, try running in as administrator. Apart from that, I have never tried it with Windows 2000, as even 2003 is end of life…Unless you have a very good reason to stay with 2000 (like a specific app), retire it asap.