
I’m Acceptance, a new member at this forum.

I stumbled upon the WP site back in 2005 or so. It intrigues me how much i typed over the years. Generally, when i have time to kill its on WoW and that’s where i get my keystrokes.

If i remember correctly, years ago, after registering for WP, you also can use that same account for the forums too. But I am assuming its not the case anymore.

P.S. Today i took my time out and log onto WP and found that there was a message that was sent to me 20 months ago from someone called sellyme.

Here is how it goes:

"Hi, I’m Sellyme from the Kongregate Whatpulse team. You have your country set as Unknown, which kind of annoys a lot of people (seriously, it’s not even a country), and we’ve decided to send this message to all Unknown’s, in case they were unaware or willing to change to their real country. If you wish to change your country, but don’t know how, check out the guide written by JaumeBG on the Kongregate Whatpulse website


We’d appreciate it if you changed your country, be patriotic!

(Note: Even though this is an automated message, I’ll try to respond to any replies/thanks/questions/death threats)"

Well since that was my first message, i thought it would be fun to let myself in the team Kongregate. :smiley:

Hurrrr? Interesting. And an automated message? Interesting.

Since it’s 20 months ago… I’m not sure if there’s much that can be done. BUT:

  1. Selecting “Unknown” is not annoying.
  2. Anyone who thinks otherwise is more than welcome to do unspeakable things to themselves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way… welcome to the boards! I hope you do enjoy your stay!

Alternatively, I suppose you could make up your own country of “Unknown” and establish a capitol & everything. :wink:

I feel ya, the country Unknown is not even ranked on the list of countries (or rather its hidden unless you actually search for it).

I still do have a question. Is it possible to retrieve my old forum account or am i forced to stick with this newly created forum account?

Acceptance: Yes, it should be possible. Could you send me a PM w/ your old username & email you used to register with? (Please don’t tell me the password, though – I won’t need that). Or you can email me at

I think I might be able to do something. If not, I’ll pass this info on to someone who can :wink:

Figure i’ll jump in this one :smiley:

I have absolutely no idea why Selly would send automated msg’s to those in ‘Unknown’ especially since he had/has absolutely no authority to do so, he doesn’t speak for the Staff here :wink: Or at least he didn’t 20 months ago when those messages were sent, he does help out in several areas though now, contributes when he can etc…

That said, i’ve ALWAYS wanted to try and encourage people to post accurate country information that way we have the most accurate stats possible, and the more detailed the better nods Stay tuned for the ability to add more detailed biographical info as well :smiley:

And welcome aboard, Acceptance!! :smiley:

For a start, it wasn’t automated. I used the wrong term there, it was manually done (so I wasn’t spamming 100 messages a day), but a standard template. Apparently 13-year-old me didn’t know his terminology properly.

Secondly, the statistics! Think about the statistics! D:

Buuut I jest. I’m actually slightly irritated with myself that you’ve stolen my #1 spot on the Kong team, and now I’ve found out it’s pretty directly my fault (on a 20 month delay, even!), but heh, a bit of friendly competition never hurt anyone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anywho, welcome to the forums, the Kongregate team, and so on and so forth.

Yeah? You’ve never told me to move away from Norway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, interesting anomalies.

I sent a pm to you (X-Kal) about the issue.

Appreciate the quick feedbacks and am happy to be here in this community.

Hey – would you mind sending that PM again? I can’t find it anywhere. :frowning:

Reposted another message on your visitor message area.

Dood, I shouldn’t hafto do something silly like THAT!! Should just be a given that you would :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess you can get the old forum, just log in your email.

hello everyone here

Hello, jenx! Welcome!

i jenx

We all love new people. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that a flagcounter in a sig? Awesome.