Error after restart

hello i install whatpulse normal it work great but when i restart this error come
help me pls

Honestly, the only thing you can do is to delete that file. It’s been lost. However, if you had a major amount of keys saved or whatnot, you can email your whatpulse.wpw file to wasted, along with your account name and whatnot, and he will determine whether or not to restore the keys for you.

I just got Vista installed for about three weeks now. No problems or whatsoever with whatpulse. Except for the last two days. Every morning when i start my computer i get the same error as the topicstarter. Only thing that helps for me is to reinstall whatpulse completely

how many times am I going to have to uninstall and reinstall?? I keep receiving this error up to twice a day for the past week.
Any help?

Do you uninstall, then go to C:\Program Files (or, where ever you installed it) and deleted the WhatPulse folder completely, then reinstall? Or just uninstall the re-install?

When you install it, try picking a different directory. C:\Whatpulse for example. I think that might make the errors stop.

I’ve done both. Un-installed completely, and then re-installed. And then sometimes I just re-install.
Going to try C:\whatpulse now though

No luck. I’m still having to reinstall every time I reboot.

Wait, are you using Vista or XP? Are you definitely using the latest version of WP from this website and nowhere else?

I’m using vista and yes it’s the most updated version I can find. Unless…I’m missing something??
I just use what’s on the welcome page.

Ah, the lovely Vista.

Had a read through this: ?