XML bug


Some users names have special charachters in it that need to be encoded the right way. Please look into it

For our team the XML file is empty:

(can’t make link of this, because I’m not allowed to post URLs to other sites, strange, I thought whatpulse.org is this site :wink: )

Please fix this asap, because I can’t give my teammembers additional stats now…

@vigge_sWe: I fixed the encoding issue on the SVN. The fix should be online soon (Martijn needs to apply it).

@Erkens: Probably the server knocked down somewhere because of the size of your team stats. Only those of LUElinks (#1) and DPC (#2) are empty. The stats of FOK! (#3) and all other teams are working fine. Also bugging Martijn for this :slight_smile:

Btw: you need 15 posts to be able to post links (http://forums.whatpulse.org/showthread.php?t=3938).

@vigge_sWe: Martijn applied the API encoding fix. The user and team API now have valid XML, with correct UTF-8 usage :wink:

@Erkens: both API files are back online.