WP no key-counting


My running system:

WP 2.6.3 -1316
WIN 10 - 64
WINPCAP installed
admin mode enabled

I have a problem with my WP-counting:

Since i have installed WIN 10 my WP is counting the keys not properly.
In some games its working fine:
for example Elder Scrolls Online

In others it is not working:
f.e.: Runes of magic

In the most applications its the same:
in open office its working fine - but in google chrome it sometimes counts the key correctly, or as today it only counts space, shift, tab, and direction-keys but no letter-keys

The weird thing: on my laptop (WIN10/64) everything is running fine

In Mozilla Thunderbird for example its working fine too

I have tried to stop the Logitech gaming-software and it still doesnt work in chrome

in Microsoft Edge its working fine too…