WinPcap Incompitable with Windows 8

WinPcap is incompatible with Windows 8 and is not working/providing network statistics unless I start VPN. :dodgy: Please help. :huh:

Not it’s not… I installed Winpcap without ANY problems on my Windows 8 laptop.

You do have the latest updates from Microsoft as well; as you could’ve found yourself, is mandatory to use Winpcap on Windows 8.

Sure, But I’ve already installed this update still I’m facing this… I previously had overridden/allowed to install WinPcap which was ‘sticky’ with whatpulse original installer.

Mmmm, have you tried this?

Concerning the pcap; I did notice IE was hesitant to download & save the installer so I switched browser first (Firefox), downloaded the installer from Winpcap and then ran it as Administrator (also, I got UAC disabled for the entire system). After that, installing WhatPulse worked without a hitch.

Proof of the pudding are my computers; my laptop (listed in my profile) is running 2.0.1 WhatPulse and pulsed just over 700MB yesterday.

Thanks a Ton Max, it worked! Alas, now facing another problem… whatpulse crashes right after starting… Plz. Find the image attached…
Crash again after reinstalling… :@ Pic. attached :dodgy: