[UNSUPPORTED] Windows 2008 Server


i tryd installing whatpulse on my windows 2008 server vps but it dont worked it`s giving error

whatpulse aes failure
AES function not available. Are libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll present? If not, try reinstalling

tryd to reinstalling it but same error is ther a way to fix this ?

WhatPulse is not permitted to be installed on servers.

From the Knowledgebase:

Can I run the client on my server?
WhatPulse is all about user generated statistics. When you run the client on a server, the statistics that are capture by the client are not generated by you, the user, but by many other people using your server. This is why servers are not supported.

There will be a functionality in the future where servers are excluded from the rankings, which is when servers will be supported. This is not yet the case.

Oke thanks now i know :slight_smile:

^^ You could, always +1 Reputation, btw. :wink: :slight_smile: