Unable to pulse

Hello. I’ve been unable to pulse for several months now. I get the error message: “Error: Could not connect to server.” I’m running version Windows 7 x64, on the main admin account, whatpulse account Nintendude1189. I also get this error when trying to check for updates.

If I change the port to 80 then it tells me “Pulse timed out!” I’d like to update to the latest version but I want to successfully pulse before doing so.

You need to uninstall and reinstall the latest v1 (1.71) before upgrading to v2. Make sure to clean out all WP folders including AppData/Local folder before installing 1.71. If you still have problems, post details and I will try to help.

I won’t lose my unpulsed data by doing that, right?

You could pulse using your current version by deleting the AppData/Local WP folder first and then pulsing. The files in that folder are easily corruptible for some reason. Try this and you won’t lose the data. Uninstalling and reinstalling would cause a loss of data. I imagine you have millions of keys to pulse to the server and we wouldn’t want you to lose that data! All that hard work…

Let me know if deleting the Local folder works.

If I remember correctly if you install 1.7s on the top of 1.6s, 1.7s will convert the data of 1.6s into it’s format. If nothing bad happens then you can pulse after that. But I recommend a backup before you try that. (%APPDATA%\WhatPulse directory and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WhatPulse in the registry.)

I am now unable to pulse and have downloaded and installed the newest just released version, however it is not pulsing automatically as it was set or letting me pulse manually.

For some reason I’m unable to locate a Whatpulse folder in app data. I’m looking in C:\Users[name]\AppData\Local

Anyone know where I might be able to find it?

Try C:\Users(name)\AppData\Roaming. If you use a laptop, this is where most files will be along with the above.

Thanks, I found it there. So, I tried deleting the files (well I backed them up just in case) but now it’s been stuck trying to pulse for an hour with no error messages. It also created a new WhatPulse folder with a WhatPulse.wpw in it.

Oi. Now you have two .wpw files and it’s stuck? I’ll wait for one of the admins to help on this…

[quote=“Nintendude1189, post:9, topic:10751”]
Thanks, I found it there. So, I tried deleting the files (well I backed them up just in case) but now it’s been stuck trying to pulse for an hour with no error messages. It also created a new WhatPulse folder with a WhatPulse.wpw in it.[/quote]

Have you tried a manual pulse? Is the “Pulse!” button greyed out?

For some reason a lot of people turn on the “Work Offline” setting, which does exactly what it says and will not allow you to pulse.

I actually don’t see any “work offline” settings. I have been trying the manual pulse by double clicking the whatpulse icon in the tray, in addition to right clicking it and clicking on “pulse”

Can anyone help me? =/

There is just 1 “Work Offline” setting, on the settings tab. Disable that and try again.

I swear I don’t have any work offline setting in the “Program Settings” box =/
Again I’m running v1.6.2.1.

You’re not using a proxy, or should use a proxy? Are you using an antivirus that monitors your network and blocks the WhatPulse client?

If you can reach these forums, you can reach the pulse server. So that should be working.

Bumping because I STILL CANT PULSE NEARLY 2 MILLION KEYS. There is absolutely no reason this should not be working. Can someone just like manually add it to my account or something so I can delete the old version and install the new one? =/

Are you still using version 1? If so, pulsing will not work as the db and website have been reconfigured to the upgraded version 2 of the clients. I would write down what the version 1 client has before upgrading to version 2. It would suck to lose all those keys and clicks, but I am unaware of any way to manually add to any account short of e-mailing the written down stats to the admin.

So if v1 doesn’t work anymore, how do I transfer over my unpulsed data to v2?

That is one for the admin because I don’t know.