The next person... thread

You mean beneath you? Fail. And no, I’m not a Mod and I probably never will be. And yeah.

The person beneath me will properly do his post.


Your right :smiley:
Thanks for the grammar :slight_smile:

The person beneath me will slap me =D

/slap Pimorez

Hell yeah.

The person beneath me will be American.


Nope, wrong! The person beneath me won’t be American!

Wrong. Pure bred American.

The person beneath me will be a true fan of the Dancing Queen song.


Wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Person below me has been on IRC


The person below me has watched some anime.

Inuyasha ftw.

The person beneath me will had played one of the original FF, such as one of the NES/SNES ones.


Not only have I played and beat Final Fantasy I, II, III and IV, but I am also playing the GBA remake of I and II right now.

The person below me has played some sort of variation of Dungeons and Dragons. (this includes other game types, like the Robotech RPG, etc.)

Mmm, I played a trial edition on my X-Box?

The person beneath me will know who Sasuki is.


Sasuki from Naruto?

The person below me has superior ninja technique.

Yeah, on Rakion I have :smiley: But not in real life :frowning:
It looks great to me if I have superior ninja technique :smiley:

The person beneath me will have a empty sig…

The person above me was wrong.

The person beneath me will not be cool enough to have a level 70 in World of Warcraft.


Your right :smiley:
Played WoW just like 6 hours in 2 months (private server blizzlike) and didn’t get further then lvl 20 :’) But well, don’t like the game so much so I uninstalled it :stuck_out_tongue:

The person bneath me will be a die hard CS:S er :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, used to be. Retired to play WoW.

The person beneath me will be a fan of Day of Defeat.


I’ve never played that,


The person below me thinks UT2003 was pretty sweet.

Never played it. Sorry.

The person beneath me is a Counter-Strike geek.


One more game to play! Woohoo!

No - I am not a Counter-Strike geek.

The person below me wants me to stop reviving old forum games.

No, the person below you wishes you would continue. He misses them.

The person beneath me will agree with me.


Very true, indeed!

The person below me will have some kind of guess when WhatPulse 1.62 will come out.