I cannot pulse.

When i pulsed there comes a error. A server message. Your save file seems to corrupt, please reset your local settings.

I have reset and the message comes back. Can anybody help me with this problem.

Did you use the ‘Logoff profile’ option?

I have the same problem i cannot pulse i get the same message.

Your save file seems to corrupt, please reset your local settings

Where is the local settings?? i have deleted everything. the hiden folder in applications and i have installed whatpulse again. im using the new update.

[quote=chandor]I have the same problem i cannot pulse i get the same message.

Your save file seems to corrupt, please reset your local settings

Where is the local settings?? i have deleted everything. the hiden folder in applications and i have installed whatpulse again. im using the new update.[/quote]

Can someone help me with this? Or is this fora kinda dead?

Sorry log off profile has been working perfectly. i have lost kinda 20.000 clicks.

chill i’ve lost 1mln cliks keyboard and 0.5 mln mouse clicks… :smiley:

I haven’t been able to pulse for the last 2 years for this reason. It appears that my account name and computer name are indeed corrupted.

Is there any possible way I can pulse my 830k+ keys, 320+ clicks, and 19.75mi before upgrading to the latest version??? (I’m still on 1.7.1 and haven’t upgraded because I didn’t want to lose all this.)

Please let there be some hack that will work…

There is no hack, sorry. If something happens to your client or account in the client, always try to repair it as soon as possible to prevent such loss.

Also, please make a new post instead of digging up one from 2011…thanks!