How many people...

How many people are using these forums just to put their whatpulse stats up.

Not me - I’ve got games that can do this much more effectively.

Haha, Right on. I don’t have any games :frowning:
I suck at games too anyway, so. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do have Steam, with HL(1), DOD & CS(1.6).

Mostly gaming, but also other forums :wink:

Right on, That doesn’t sound to bad.
I’m not really a big fan of gaming, unless its a good day to sit back and do nothing, then a good game will ammuse me for an hour or so.

lol with these boards it’s not easy, but whatever works right? I visit often but don’t always post, I like to read what people say. I have better tactics in getting keys :smiley:

I hadn’t even thought of that… But I guess all of the forums I frequent could be considered “just getting my keys up” really… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, well, I’m trying to look for forums that interest me, but I just can’t seem to. :frowning:
I guess I just like a werid mix of things and can’t find a lively forum that fits me. Ah well, I’ll post around here for a bit.

What sort of things do you do? Maybe you can start new threads about your interests? I’ll post to them :wink:

[quote=Justin.C]Yeah, well, I’m trying to look for forums that interest me, but I just can’t seem to. :frowning:
I guess I just like a werid mix of things and can’t find a lively forum that fits me. Ah well, I’ll post around here for a bit.[/quote]

A weird variety of things, eh? I think I know just the forum for you. If you don’t like it, well, no harm done. (not sure of the rules on advertising here so I’ll just PM you a link)
Nothing to lose and everything to gain, as the saying goes.

wanna pm me that link as well? I love multiple interest boards

Sure, check your box :slight_smile:

No I have another purposes…

Ooh, sounds all important and kinda malevolent :stuck_out_tongue:

I use them, but it is not to get my count up.
I guess thats just a perk of using the forums :).

At the moment I’m not using this site just to get my whatpulse stats up, but you never know… :slight_smile:

Unfortunately there is not enough activity on this forum for us to increase our stats that much. I wish there were more threads/users, I guess we could all help in that aspect by telling more people about Whatpulse.

Unless we decide to take our conversations and make them UTTERLY LONG because that way it would mean that we could get our keys up… but I think that would bore any of the readers lol.

These forums are too epically inactive to get the caliber of spam needed to get WP stats up :stuck_out_tongue:

IRC baby.