Duplicate account?

Hello, I’ve registered under the username “iamanoob”
It appears my account was created twice. I am submitting my pulse data to the user 335046
however i can only log into the user

Solutions that would be fine for me:
add user 335046 to team OCN - Overclock.net
remove user 335044 from OCN - Overclock.net

  1. possibly remove account 335044 so that I can log into 335046
    The usernames are exactly the same. The passwords and emails are exactly the same.
    Copy pasted the information from account → local account details to confirm, when it went to the wrong account.

I had a similar error with two accounts being created when I made one for my mother, as “Lamerichs’ House (sellyme)”.

Thanks for adding, was your problem resolved?

[quote=iamanoob]Hello, I’ve registered under the username “iamanoob”
It appears my account was created twice. I am submitting my pulse data to the user 335046
however i can only log into the user

Solutions that would be fine for me:
add user 335046 to team OCN - Overclock.net
remove user 335044 from OCN - Overclock.net

  1. possibly remove account 335044 so that I can log into 335046
    The usernames are exactly the same. The passwords and emails are exactly the same.
    Copy pasted the information from account → local account details to confirm, when it went to the wrong account.[/quote]

I’m guessing that this issue hasn’t been resolved yet. Here’s what I can see:

http://whatpulse.org/stats/users/335046/ - This user has all your pulses
http://whatpulse.org/stats/users/335044/ - This has none

I CAN delete the extra account – the one that hasn’t pulsed yet.
I CAN’T add the remaining account to any teams for you. But…
If you’re not a team manager or founder, that shouldn’t be an issue.

So… what would you like me to do?

If you email me at X-Kal@whatpulse.org, I’ll be sure to see it and respond to it more quickly.

Sorry for the delay on this!

~ X-Kal

After building a new computer, reinstalling OS, and installing whatpulse again, I was able to log in to the original account (with 0 pulses on it) that was on the correct team. I will just use that as the primary account and start over again.

Ok – if that’s what you want. But if you ever do want one of them deleted, just let me know which one you want gone & I’ll make it go away. I can’t merge accounts, though.