
Sorry If this is in the wrong section. although it could be a feature request.

I use autohotkey for various things, and find it very annoying that the keys I send with autohotkey are detected and counted by whatpulse.

so, for example, I have a script that reads and outputs text from a text file.
Alt + J triggers, that’s 2 key presses.

then the program reads a line, e.g. “hello I like potatoes”
sends it to another program

Hello I like potatoes

bam, + 21 Key presses I didn’t do.
I don’t want to disable whatpulse EVERY time I run a script,
is there anyway to disable whatpulse from detecting these?

If not, I think this should be a feature. not sure how it would be implemented.
But I don’t want to have innacurate key counts.

Which client version are you using, and whats the script you’re using?

I have the latest version.

Also the Autohotkey script just uses the SENDRAW command.

test := Array%count% SENDRAW %test% send {shift down}{enter}{shift up}

I did find this useful for when my file corrupts, i can just generate back up to where i was after reseting my token :).

[quote=kypi]I have the latest version.

Also the Autohotkey script just uses the SENDRAW command.

test := Array%count% SENDRAW %test% send {shift down}{enter}{shift up}

I did find this useful for when my file corrupts, i can just generate back up to where i was after reseting my token :).[/quote]

I’m just going to pretend like I didn’t see this.


Do other macro programs & editors with macros/auto-complete have this issue also please?

I wanted to make a thread about this myself. I have a few autohotkey automation scripts and I don’t like the feeling I get when I see the key counter rise unfairly. It’s obviously a very easy method to cheat too.

I have a program which counts the raw keystrokes, as in when remapping keys with software like autohotkey it counts the actual key, not the remapped key, and it doesn’t count the virtual keys from my scripts either. I could share it with whoever improves the Whatpulse software… maybe it helps. I didn’t make it myself though so I don’t know how it works and stuff.

Oh, I forgot to mention, your client doesn’t seem to detect the Alt button, nor the keys pressed while holding the Alt modifier.