An error has occurred while communication with the website: Socket operation timed ou

An error has occurred while communication with the website: Socket operation timed out. Please try again
This is what the com says when i install what pulse.
What can i doo ?

This usually means the connection to (https) is blocked. If you require a proxy to go on the internet, please fill that out in the WhatPulse settings.

By me the proxy detect auto
What i need too change ?

Do you have a personal proxy you connect to the internet with? If not, auto detect should suffice. It is also possible your internet connection depending on who/what you use is blocking your connection to our servers.

We require more information to be able to help you.


Where can i change the things you say about my internet connection ?

Do you have a proxy? We require that information before we can assist you.


No i don’t have a proxy soo far i now